From Vision to Action

Despite the need for change, all too often important change initiatives within schools start with the best intentions, but ultimately fail to achieve their potential.

There are many reasons why change programs and improvement initiatives struggle to have an impact upon and within schools. One key reason is that there is often there is little connection between what is ask of teachers and a schools vision or this connection has not been made crystal clear.

In this program, participants will learn about how to translate their school vision into initiatives through the use of clearly articulated operational themes with corresponding goals, measures, indicators and targets. The purpose of these being two-fold. Firstly to help schools leaders convey to their staff how the work they are asked to do contributes to to schools over-arching purposes. And, secondly, to help leadership understand how to best utilise their resources (aka their teachers) to meet evidence informed needs as identified by measures and indicators.

Program Outcomes:  

  • Participants will engage in discussion about the importance of their school’s vision;

  • Participants will learn about importance of using a measurement based approach to creating their school vision;

  • Participants will have the opportunity to analyse and reconstruct their current school vision against key themes with clearly defined goals;

  • Participants will work to translate their visions into measures with appropriate indicators and targets.

Target Audience:

School leaders, system leaders